Sunday, September 15, 2013

Preschool Wonderfulness

Cam Man started school at the first of September.  Our neighbor does a preschool out of her home called Grow With Me Preschool just across the street from us.  He loves it and is already making some great little friends.  He might be old enough, but I know for certain I'm not old enough 
for preschool.   

Now, if I could just get over how completely adorable he is in a backpack.  Nope, I don't think it's going to happen. 


  1. I agree, way too handsome in his backpack to get over!

  2. Oh my goodness that kid is handsome!!! I've sure missed hearing about your cute family. I think I don't like that we don't live near you anymore... I'm still planning on Brooklyn marrying your little handsome man. Now I just have to figure out how to get them together when they grow up. Way up. :)

  3. It's crazy how fast they grow up!! He's such a cute boy.

  4. He is adorable! And that's awesome having preschool across the street!

  5. OH my, what a cutie! When did he grow up?
